The key to your company´s success:
The creation of an active culture of welcome through the use of intercultural training as a bridge for the successful integration of international professionals

Welcome to halloguide - your cultural guide

As a certified Intercultural Trainer, I will guide you and your team through the challenges of intercultural issues to ensure effective and successful collaboration in international teams

Your cultural guide – Annette Jall

How are you able to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals?

By building bridges: Intercultural training as a component of successful team integration

Intercultural training is essential for the successful onboarding process of international specialists by facilitating the employee’s start and conveying different cultural expectations. 

And this is not a one-way process: the local team also benefits from opening up, valuing diversity and strengthening intercultural skills, which ultimately leads to an enriched working environment.

Core elements and goals of intercultural trainings:

An inclusive environment is the foundation for innovation and development, and supports both cultural and social integration – key elements for business success and social cohesion.

Training and consulting services

Focus: International skilled worker immigration  &  international assignments.

All workshops will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your company & team and can be held in German, English and Spanish language.


Health care                                             

e.g. for clinics, medical practices & nursing homes

Tourism & Hospitality

e.g. for hotels, tour operators & tourist guides

International assignments   and  global teams

Country-specific trainings: 


Do you have any questions? Contact me  &  I look forward to talking with you.

Alternatively, you can use the contact form on the landing page

What is a cultural guide? 

A guide accompanies individuals or groups through the complexities and challenges of intercultural communication and interaction. 

They provide guidance, support and knowledge to bridge cultural differences, avoid misunderstandings and promote effective interpersonal relationships in a multicultural environment – building bridges for greater understanding, respect and cooperation.

About me
Hello, I´m Annette Jall

My varied career has brought me into contact with a wide range of industries, people and cultures.

From training and working as a medical assistant in various medical fields, to managing hospitality facilities at home and abroad, to marketing project manager of international trade shows and events for global companies.

In addition to my current role as an intercultural trainer, I have been a part-time tourist guide for many years.

A „cultural guide“ – everywhere and everywhen. 

From the beginning of my professional career, I have gathered international experience in Austria, Italy, and England. Since 2016, I have been continuously moving around as an expatriate; in Mexico, the USA, and currently in Hungary.

Intercultural skills have played an important role in all my positions, and I know first-hand how challenging it can be to arrive in a new country – professionally and personally.

That’s why I use my workshops to convey an understanding of diversity, adaptability, and resilience to help overcome intercultural and personal challenges.  

With my expertise, I would like to support you in mastering successful integration, at home and abroad. This will improve the overall performance of your company and create added value for everyone involved.


  • Intercultural Training in Healthcare, IKUD, 2024
  • Systemic coach for refugees, Institute for Educational Coaching, 2022
  • Intercultural trainer, DVWO e.V. certified, BAMIK GmbH Berlin, 2021
  • German American Business Certificate, Milemark Communication, 2021
  • Travel and hiking guide, Travel to life GmbH, 2016
  • City guide of the state capital, Stuttgart Marketing GmbH, 2016
  • M.Sc. International Management, Steinbeis University, Berlin, 2013
  • B.A. Tourism Management, Ostfalia University, Salzgitter, 2011
  • Quality Coach Level 1 for tourism businesses, ETI Institute, 2009
  • Medizinischen Fachangestellten-Brief, Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg, 2001


Sietar DE Society of intercultural training education and research         

Facilitator for leading training providers:





Lectures & Speaker: